Pinterest and Promotion

Pinterest and Promotion

    I love Pinterest.    I’m on the site a lot, but it’s okay. I’m working when I’m pinning.   No, really. It’s true.   While writing my last two books, I started pinboards for each of them, pinning inspiration for settings, character, and even research articles.... Tips For Authors Tips For Authors

by Sara Rosett Have you heard of It is a curation site designed to help you share interesting articles and links from the web. It’s like Pinterest for articles.I’ve been using more and more as I try to simplify my online life. We’re talking...
Author Time Warp

Author Time Warp

by Sara RosettThe doorbell rang last week and I found a cardboard box delivered courtesy of UPS on my porch.I frowned. I wasn’t expecting any packages. I dragged it inside and saw the label from Kensington books, my publishing house. It wasn’t that time, was...
Girlfriends Book Club:  Trendy

Girlfriends Book Club: Trendy

Footnotes in Fiction 1   1 and Nine Other Trends in Publishing    by Sara Rosett   Marketing folks would classify me as the classic “late adopter.” No first generation iPod or iPhone for me. No color blocking or printed pants going on in my closet—been there, done...
Girlfriends Book Club: Book Roundup

Girlfriends Book Club: Book Roundup

I absolutely love the last week of the year.I love the lull between Christmas and New Years Day, the slower pace, the weird out-of-sink quality of those days. They almost feel like vacation days, even if they’re not. You may have to go into the office, but you know...

Girlfriends Book Club: Ebooks

The first eight-track tape I saw was bright orange and had my grandfather’s careful all-caps lettering of song titles on the label. I was a kid at the time and didn’t quite understand his delight at being able to transfer his vinyl records to the tape, which he could...